
PCG Polska Sp. z o.o, Poland – coordinator
PCG Polska Sp. z o.o. (PCG) is part of Public Consulting Group, a global firm specializing in professional services and project management for institutions and companies operating in the public sector. It has vast experience within 4 sectors: K-12, higher education, health, and human services.
PCG Polska’s Health and Human Services Department specializes in projects improving the life of the elderly, silver economy analyses and research, through working with local government representatives, investors, organizations dedicated to senior citizens and other groups at risk of social exclusion.
PCG provides expert knowledge, modern analytic tools, valuable external perspective and practical experience coming from direct work with the elderly, people with disabilities or other disadvantaged groups.
PCG has extensive expertise in management of projects dedicated to populations at risk of exclusion and managing EUwide partnerships, including almost 50 projects related to senior policy, active & healthy ageing and improving the life of senior citizens and dependent people, and their careers.

Fundacion Intras, Spain
INTRAS is a non-profit organisation founded in 1994 dedicated to high quality research and intervention in the mental health field. It runs 12 centres in 7 different provinces in Spain, offering a variety of services for people with mental health challenges.
The main target group of INTRAS consists of people suffering from severe and prolonged mental illness, whereby the organisation also performs activities and offers services to young people with behavioural disorders, learning difficulties, and people at risk of social exclusion in general, such as the homeless.
Fundacion Intras develops activities and offer different services for the target groups such as psychosocial and labour rehabilitation programs, occupational and vocational training, pre-labour workshops as well as counselling and professional guidance/coaching.

Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidio, Greece
KMOP – Social Action & Innovation Centre (est. 1977) is a leading Greek NGO missioned to build resilience, combat inequalities in opportunity and promote inclusive and sustainable social growth.
Our work extends, among others, in the areas of Education; Social inclusion and cohesion; Democracy and civic participation; Employment and social economy; Health promotion and well-being; Migration; Security and radicalisation; Gender equality; Rights of the child; Victims’ support and Human Trafficking; Discrimination and intolerance.
KMOP has established presence and partnerships at international level, working with major actors in the public and private sectors, as well as with civil society to drive solution-oriented, knowledge-based interventions responding to the modern challenges of a fast-moving world. Its network of collaborating partners includes first-class Educational institutions, NGOs, Policy actors, Local authorities and other stakeholders. KMOP is a learning organisation, where individual/collective reflection and learning lead to improved ways of working, achieving goals and innovation.

Family and Childcare Center
– Branch in Skopje, North Macedonia
KMOP Skopje is a Non-Governmental Organisation established in 2007 and based in North Macedonia, which focuses on the provision of social services through the design and implementation of policy reforms in the social sector and research. KMOP Skopje’s goal is to be actively engaged in the social welfare system of North Macedonia and contribute to the relief of various vulnerable groups by trying to design innovative and effective solutions to some of the problems that the country currently faces, making local communities more resilient.
Τhe areas of specialisation of KMOP Skopje include the following: Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Persons, Education (including school Education and Adult Education), Civil Society Development, Youth Participation; KMOP Skopje has experience in working with disadvantaged and marginalised groups such as the Roma community, disadvantaged youth and youth with migrant background, NEETs, early school leavers, low-skilled and unemployed people.
KMOP Skopje implements projects through strategic partnerships with public institutions such as the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Republic of North Macedonia, the (National) Institute for Social Work and the (Local) Centres for Social Work, as well as in cooperation with institutions and organisations from the private and civil society sector, especially focused in the field of social protection and inclusion.

Anziani E Non Solo Società – Cooperativa Sociale, Italy
Anziani e Non Solo is a non-profit organization working since 2004 in the field of social innovation, with a specific focus on management of projects and realization of services and products in the field of welfare and social inclusion. The activities carried out by Anziani e Non Solo concern different social domains, such as: – Support and empowerment of disadvantaged young persons: skills development, social inclusion and school to work transition – Active ageing, intergenerational activities and support to frail and dependent elderly – Support to employability and to social inclusion of disadvantaged groups
ANS is a member several European and national networks which can support dissemination and exploitation of project results. Among these AGE Platform Europe which is the largest EU network active in the field of ageing; CAR.ER. which is the regional carers association and LEGACOOPSOCIALI, the umbrella association of social cooperatives.
ANS employs a statutory staff of ten including psychologists, social educators, sociologists, experts of community development and can rely on a network of external professionals who are regularly involved in the provision of services and programmes.

Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology Ltd Cardet, Cyprus
CARDET is the leading research and development centre in the Mediterranean region with global expertise in education for Sustainable development, digital skills, and capacity building. As the largest independent non-profit centre based in Cyprus, CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the Yale University, the University of Nicosia and the International Council of Educational Media.
CARDET has completed more than 400 projects relating to SDGs, education, inclusion, new technologies, STEAM, literacies, digital skills, innovation, and entrepreneurship. CARDET brings together an international team of experts with decades of global expertise in education research and development. The CARDET team has successfully participated in projects in more than 45 countries, several of which were supported by the European Commission, the United Nations Development Program, Microsoft, Google, The Commonwealth of Learning, international agencies and governments around the world. One of our core strengths is our ability to carefully plan, implement, execute and evaluate projects in various contexts. The management team is supported by 10 members of the board and advisory board, who are all international veterans in education, business, research, and evaluation.